The spring never ends,
In the land of smiles
Show me one path to gloom ?
I will show you hundreds to bloom !
Whisper so did you close to my ears,
Caress soft did you wiping my tears . .
Give me wings; colour me zest . .
You leave me smiling at my beautiful best !
I know not destiny's route . .
Nor how feelings churn out
To bask in flames till the end ?
To burn out to ashes in fate's hand ?
But close my eyes; dream you near . .
The fears drown; the doubts fade
Need i fear ? need i doubt ?
There is more to life than the ending, i know . .
There is laughter, there are tears
Moments to be etched in memories down the years . .
To savour them the most you taught ;
To relish them my best i learnt . .
So here i am, loving you to bits this second ;
For those bits complete my moments , i trust . .