Title : RIP ( The Resurgent Indian Patriots )
Author : Mukul Deva
Label : Fiction / Thriller
Publisher : Westland LTD
Year : 2012
Pages : 286
Price : Rs.200
The Essence :
The blurb is successful , more or less , in offering an alluring prelude to the fast paced story that beckons to the reader from inside . The Story flags off on an intriguing note in itself throwing around an air of adventure , with four prominent members of the political tycoon being murdered , their code of conduct quite proficient and impeccable . The team carrying out the mission calls themselves RIP ( The Resurgent Indian Patriots ) helmed by Colonel Krishna Athawale , an ex para commando of the Indian Army . The other equally efficient members of the group , often bracketed as the K- Team - a tag tracing its origin way back into their army days , are Major Karan Singh , Major Kevin David and Major Kashif Nadeem . They are chained together by a single motive – To rescue the country from the filthy hands of the corrupted politicians and executives and retrieve the soul of the country in all its purity from the stinking muddle threatening to wash it away .
Trying to hamper their diligently construed plan and to restore peace and security is the dedicated cop Vinod Bedi . Reena bhagat , a charismatic News reporter joins Colonel Krishna’s life and offers the readers a lighter detour from the otherwise heavily loaded scenario . Unfortunately Reena comes with an even complicated baggage with herself in the form of Raghav her husband , an ex commando himself , who has been appointed by the Home minister Mr. Karunakaran to get rid of the RIP team lest his faulty political life would be unmasked to the public . How these characters stumble against each other at various junctures of their life spanning across a few days forms the crux of the story .
My Take :
A ) The Cover : It shouldn’t come as a surprise that a book
coming with a promise of extreme action would be adorned by a cover combustible enough even in its appearance .
So is this one . The amalgamation of the picture and the highly vibrant colours
sure convey the nature of whats in store . The blurb , as I mentioned in my
opening sentence is peppered with elements of suspense further perching the
hopes of the readers on a higher rung .
B ) The Content : The
story races from one incident to another never letting the reader mull
over details on the way , for such is the clarity of the events . With his ability
to sculpture the accounts ,delving into the subtleties in its the right amount
, the author succededs in guiding the readers through a perfectly etched out
course packed with action . I managed to devour the book in one sitting for the
fact that I thoroughly enjoyed reading it .The author , i feel has succeeded in churning out a gripping plot and the book has that simple and outright manner of story telling . The writing is lucid and the editing needs special
mention , as it stood out , as I sailed past page after page welcoming the
events knit together so flawlessly . Absolutely nil typos or grammer mistakes
to irk you . The parts dealing with Krishna's interaction with his son Sachin and those tantalising moments with Reena have been etched perfectly , with the narration blending with the story smoothly .
Though the author clearly
stresses in his foreword note that the characters are fictional , noticing uncanny
similarities to many personalities reigning the present India coudnt be
ignored . However , that one particular aspect of the book failed to entice me , for a fiction when starting to state the obvious ( especially regarding people and deeds which are more or less the talk of the town at present ) turns less
intriguing , right ? . A couple of movies have been created based on similar contexts ,
but then I guess proving his resentment towards the corrupted officials was the
prime motive of the author , rather than deliberately spewing a tale skewed
with fictious aspects which the readers would relate to less .
For having bared the grueling intensity of the
filth the country is sinking in , the author deserves to be lauded . Yet , a
mind boggling question dangles in the air as to whether its morally acceptable
for the citizens to contort the law even though its for a good motive . Though the emphasis is on how the K -Team carries out the venture more than on detailing in depth the stark realities plaguing the society , one cant help admit after reading the book that , at this point of time the country is calling out for that much needed change more than ever before – maybe for a revolution to seize back the long lost glory of our
country .
My Rating : 4/5 . Go for it !
My Rating : 4/5 . Go for it !
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