TRIVANDRUM CENTRAL - aah ! The mere glimpse of which is sufficient to set off a gush of emotions. My dad was speeding past this ' quite formidable signature ' [ nonethe less :) ] of Trivandrum yesterday when i made a mental note of it to put down a few things about what this beautiful building means to me and the myriad of experiences it offers , all in one huge exciting structure on the move which it harbours :). This building has ever been the same for me - smart and imposing ! Quite true.
And you know what, i had this revelation when i sat down to write that i have some feelings for my city running pretty deep and strong in my veins ! And i can say without even a tad of doubt that its kinda ubiquitous around here ! Step right on the city and share a word or few with the fellows. Mark my words - the youth and the aged alike would display quite a spirit for this place they proudly inhabit.
Ok, lets leave it. This isnt about Trivandrum afterall. On the other hand, this space is gonna bubble with the undoubtedly familiar sounds of trains and chaiwallas ;). Come Join me :)
To start with, i need to go back a long in time. My native place is Trivandrum , but we were kinda stuck in palakkad ( yet another heavenly place i should say! ) for about 3 - 4 years . Thanks to my parents job. And lemme say those were the ' fresh to this world ' years of my life ;). Yea, the toddler me got introduced to the zeal of adventure through the happening train journeys from Trivandrum to Palakkad and back. Seriously you dont expect me to think long and hard and to explain here what those journeys meant to me then right :-p lolz :). But its true when i say flashes of memories do lie scattered.
My mom even now shows no lack of interest in lamenting about the tiny me who ( supposedly :D ) used to give her a helluva time during those train journeys. Even now, when we come across a couple struggling to pacify their kid, we share a glance and try hard to suppress a smile ;)
But then thats what kids are all about right ! Giving a hard time to your parents so that they would never ever dare to forget the naughty bratty baby you :p.
The next few years saw me frequenting the station less , with the visits limiting to the occasional ones to drop off my mom for her yearly workshops. I shouldnt leave out it that the concept of a railway station started changing colours in my mind. When i grew up, i started noticing a good many facts about this quite ' other world ' . Infact i was in awe for the fact that i came to know that the stations were studded with book shops right on the platform. How i used to nag my dad showing him sad faces and pleading him to buy me one of those beautiful hard covered books adorning the shops ! I was too small then, but i should say you start showing signs of ur interests right from the bud . And neeless to say i still get a rush when i spot a book shop on any station .
And so also that goes on top of the list of the ' platform wonders ' ;)
The next major encounter with trains came with our visits to temples outside kerala. And those were the sunny days - everything going perfect and smooth, a whole two months of holidays stretching long and lovely before you, with your share of new clothes to be inaugurated at the temple and the cherry topping being the hours spent packing with our minds already halfway on the train :-) .
Yea, those delectable journeys were preceeded by hours of immense joy and ' embarking on an adventure ' kinda feeling attached to it.
The reasons which goes up on the list of my all time favourites when it comes to train journeys : -
# The book stalls
# The fights with my brother to acquire the rather royal , so to say, seat by the window ;). Strange, i do that even now with my friends . I mean its a total waste of time if u are stuck at the dull space at the other end ! I used to sit with my eyes shut, throwing an attitude at my parents if i wasnt awarded the side seat. The privileges of being a girl are on a high in my family. Lolz.
And needless to say i am the proud owner of my desires :p
# The meal which my mom tediously prepare to have in the train at night. The rare few time we get to savour the exquisite taste of the plantain leaf- meal blend ! Ummm , no butter chicken can match that !
# The frequenting of vendors in and out of the compartments carrying with them a variety of interesting stuffs ; coffee, magazines , newspapers. Even to this day i prefer coffee to tea only when i am in a train. Sort of emotional attachment ?? Guess so ! ;)
It wouldnt be nice right if i leave out the dark images threaded to the same. The night marish days of my life - those 11 months when i was chained to a building looming high and proud in the heart of Thrissur town ! Oh yea, the P.c Thomas era ! The horrendous night journeys to the hostel there . Those sleepless nights with my mind overflowing with apprehension ! [ for those who have the least idea about this institution lemme tell you this is an entrance coaching centre infact the most flourishing centre in kerala and its kinda folklore here that your fate gets safe and secure
once you sign the application form to this place !! no kidding ! i should give all the credit to this place for making me an MBBS student !
But i think we should delve less on that ! its kinda creepy..phew !
These days also the spirit that comes with this remains the same, with the excitement not the least down. I am all smiles when i get to hear the happy news that there is a train running to Trivandrum just in time for us after the classes. And the adventures are never on a low !
Last week, we were returning home by train, my friends and me. Any my hunger pangs started troubling me while the train neared Kollam station. And to our dismay the shops close to our compartment were shut down. And so i dragged my friend along with me to a shop some four compartments away with the never say die belief that there would be a 10 mt halt there, the least. It so turned out that there was already some kinda pandemonium outside the shop and we somehow made it to the counter wending our way through the crowd. Alas !
It was already late ! Not a guess right what could possibly go wrong ! The train started moving showing no mercy on us and we had to rush to it and climb on the stupid stairs with much struggle with it starting to gain speed ! Mind you, its not that light as you guess. Phew !
That was one experience !
While we were gasping for breath once back in our seats, i couldnt help laughing out. Damn ! Twas so like a Jab we met scenario !!
Even though my friend didnt quite agree with that because it nearly knocked the hell outta her ;).
Such experiences come once in a lifetime right ! But there sure are other experiences quite insatiable that make the train journeys worth enjoying. The beautiful scenaries, the greenery, that one rarely get to view in cities which are untiringly getting stuffed with 'monuments' on the rise, the sunset and sunrise which seem pretty enchanting, the huge mountains covered in a blanket of clouds, the deep blue waterbodies flanking the railway track at places. The list stretches...
If you conclude this is all there is to trains, then you are mistaken. :) . The next time you get on a train dont forget to be on the look out for an adventure, for the visual treats you are sure to be granted with.
Imbibe those and i bet you will be blessed with a bliss of no match :) :)
And you know what, i had this revelation when i sat down to write that i have some feelings for my city running pretty deep and strong in my veins ! And i can say without even a tad of doubt that its kinda ubiquitous around here ! Step right on the city and share a word or few with the fellows. Mark my words - the youth and the aged alike would display quite a spirit for this place they proudly inhabit.
Ok, lets leave it. This isnt about Trivandrum afterall. On the other hand, this space is gonna bubble with the undoubtedly familiar sounds of trains and chaiwallas ;). Come Join me :)
To start with, i need to go back a long in time. My native place is Trivandrum , but we were kinda stuck in palakkad ( yet another heavenly place i should say! ) for about 3 - 4 years . Thanks to my parents job. And lemme say those were the ' fresh to this world ' years of my life ;). Yea, the toddler me got introduced to the zeal of adventure through the happening train journeys from Trivandrum to Palakkad and back. Seriously you dont expect me to think long and hard and to explain here what those journeys meant to me then right :-p lolz :). But its true when i say flashes of memories do lie scattered.
My mom even now shows no lack of interest in lamenting about the tiny me who ( supposedly :D ) used to give her a helluva time during those train journeys. Even now, when we come across a couple struggling to pacify their kid, we share a glance and try hard to suppress a smile ;)
But then thats what kids are all about right ! Giving a hard time to your parents so that they would never ever dare to forget the naughty bratty baby you :p.
The next few years saw me frequenting the station less , with the visits limiting to the occasional ones to drop off my mom for her yearly workshops. I shouldnt leave out it that the concept of a railway station started changing colours in my mind. When i grew up, i started noticing a good many facts about this quite ' other world ' . Infact i was in awe for the fact that i came to know that the stations were studded with book shops right on the platform. How i used to nag my dad showing him sad faces and pleading him to buy me one of those beautiful hard covered books adorning the shops ! I was too small then, but i should say you start showing signs of ur interests right from the bud . And neeless to say i still get a rush when i spot a book shop on any station .
And so also that goes on top of the list of the ' platform wonders ' ;)
The next major encounter with trains came with our visits to temples outside kerala. And those were the sunny days - everything going perfect and smooth, a whole two months of holidays stretching long and lovely before you, with your share of new clothes to be inaugurated at the temple and the cherry topping being the hours spent packing with our minds already halfway on the train :-) .
Yea, those delectable journeys were preceeded by hours of immense joy and ' embarking on an adventure ' kinda feeling attached to it.
The reasons which goes up on the list of my all time favourites when it comes to train journeys : -
# The book stalls
# The fights with my brother to acquire the rather royal , so to say, seat by the window ;). Strange, i do that even now with my friends . I mean its a total waste of time if u are stuck at the dull space at the other end ! I used to sit with my eyes shut, throwing an attitude at my parents if i wasnt awarded the side seat. The privileges of being a girl are on a high in my family. Lolz.
And needless to say i am the proud owner of my desires :p
# The meal which my mom tediously prepare to have in the train at night. The rare few time we get to savour the exquisite taste of the plantain leaf- meal blend ! Ummm , no butter chicken can match that !
# The frequenting of vendors in and out of the compartments carrying with them a variety of interesting stuffs ; coffee, magazines , newspapers. Even to this day i prefer coffee to tea only when i am in a train. Sort of emotional attachment ?? Guess so ! ;)
It wouldnt be nice right if i leave out the dark images threaded to the same. The night marish days of my life - those 11 months when i was chained to a building looming high and proud in the heart of Thrissur town ! Oh yea, the P.c Thomas era ! The horrendous night journeys to the hostel there . Those sleepless nights with my mind overflowing with apprehension ! [ for those who have the least idea about this institution lemme tell you this is an entrance coaching centre infact the most flourishing centre in kerala and its kinda folklore here that your fate gets safe and secure
once you sign the application form to this place !! no kidding ! i should give all the credit to this place for making me an MBBS student !
But i think we should delve less on that ! its kinda creepy..phew !
These days also the spirit that comes with this remains the same, with the excitement not the least down. I am all smiles when i get to hear the happy news that there is a train running to Trivandrum just in time for us after the classes. And the adventures are never on a low !
Last week, we were returning home by train, my friends and me. Any my hunger pangs started troubling me while the train neared Kollam station. And to our dismay the shops close to our compartment were shut down. And so i dragged my friend along with me to a shop some four compartments away with the never say die belief that there would be a 10 mt halt there, the least. It so turned out that there was already some kinda pandemonium outside the shop and we somehow made it to the counter wending our way through the crowd. Alas !
It was already late ! Not a guess right what could possibly go wrong ! The train started moving showing no mercy on us and we had to rush to it and climb on the stupid stairs with much struggle with it starting to gain speed ! Mind you, its not that light as you guess. Phew !
That was one experience !
While we were gasping for breath once back in our seats, i couldnt help laughing out. Damn ! Twas so like a Jab we met scenario !!
Even though my friend didnt quite agree with that because it nearly knocked the hell outta her ;).
Such experiences come once in a lifetime right ! But there sure are other experiences quite insatiable that make the train journeys worth enjoying. The beautiful scenaries, the greenery, that one rarely get to view in cities which are untiringly getting stuffed with 'monuments' on the rise, the sunset and sunrise which seem pretty enchanting, the huge mountains covered in a blanket of clouds, the deep blue waterbodies flanking the railway track at places. The list stretches...
If you conclude this is all there is to trains, then you are mistaken. :) . The next time you get on a train dont forget to be on the look out for an adventure, for the visual treats you are sure to be granted with.
Imbibe those and i bet you will be blessed with a bliss of no match :) :)

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