Well, exhilaration would be an underestimation of the emotion that i find bubbling inside of me right now ! Yes, we have been planning this journey for over one month now and i have been like keeping check of the dates on the calender , undoubtedly growing impatient all along the way, that it is almost undigestible that the day is already a night time away . And it is not merely about visiting a place that existed in my mind with all its fun, fervour, hustle -bustle, merriment, The Bollywood fundas, Marine drive , way side delicacies and the immense shopping experience, bit its more like the pleasure of being embarking on a long distance journey ...and that too on a train !
The beautiful scenaries, the greenery, that one rarely get to view in cities which are untiringly getting stuffed with 'monuments' on the rise, the sunset and sunrise which seem pretty enchanting, the huge mountains covered in a blanket of clouds, the deep blue waterbodies flanking the railway track at places. The train journeys sure come with the tag of heaven attached to it !
Yesterday flew past with me shopping with my parents, sort of a prelude into what is lying ahead ,for more than anyone else in this world, my parents are well aware of the stark truth that once set on fire, my shopaholic genes are insatiable and that hardly any piece of advice can pacify those down ! ;)

Did i mention that Mumbai is one of my dream destinations ? well it is . So is Goa and that for purely my heart's desire ! My relentless, diligent attempts to coax my parents to squeeze in Goa into the travel schedule is underway due to the scarcity of time :( Sigh ! that would have been two birds in a single shot :( . I am disheartened to say the least . anyway some day .. for certain :)
My brother is pursuing his job in Mumbai and he is going to take us around . Totally clueless as to what to expext from the city ! But then thats the whole point of the journey right ! :) Pretty certain that i wont be disappointed though . Am i right ?
Today i have made up my mind to spend the day downloading a bunch of fresh tracks to add to my playlist . For journeys are never even close to being complete sans good music to entice you r ears ! And the list is fast stretching longer and longer :)
A lot many good ones and the latest hindi and tamil tracks are already on my track list that i find it hard to dig out the best ones still to be discovered . Mind leaving behind a few of your favourite tracks ? so that i would have a less hard time coming up with some good ones . . You are always welcome :)
Well, the night is going to be abuzz with me indulging in thinking right and left about the subtle details of the dream journey that is awaiting me . The inevitable part of any journey - The time spent packing the baggage - and that is definitely something i look forward to . Oh yes my mind would be definitely half way on the train while i am engaged in the same, i know ;)
And so, With a heart wide open to imbibe even the much needed minute joy swarming my way, with a mind glistening with the veneer of dreams and expectations , with prayers for a safe journey , Mumbai here i come ! :))))
P.S : If you happened to drop by i would be grateful to hear your tips and views regarding the travel destinations and shopping malls in Mumbai . Do leave a few words on the same ; that would be helping me a lot ! :)