Thursday, April 14

Thought Of The Day :)

                          Wonder why you end up getting hurt everytime  of the year ?

                          Ponder why you alone soak your pillows with tears night after night when your friends are sleeping sound in their beds ?

                         No . . its not because you are not worthy. .

                         And no... its definitely not because the Supreme power doesnt love you !

                        Want to know why ?

                        Its because you want more from life

                        Its because you expect good from life

                        But you know what ? . .

                        The happiness you enjoy when you clench your fist when you achieve the wins you yearn for more and more from life ...however shortlasting it is ....however minute it is . ... will definitely be worthier than the peace of mind your friends seem to enjoy sleeping sound and living safe without taking risks !

                        So......just be yourself dear :))  Take risks . . Be more . . Be your Best !! :))



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