Lemme tell you something about those long corridors - trust me they have stood witness to a lot many.....
The fights which even though appear silly after all these years were quite a 'war of words' back then !
The friendly snuggles i shared with my friends on the steps infront of the class rooms during the interval
Dodging away from the P.T sir because he was on the look out for the disobedient lot 'expressing' themselves in their mother tongue ! Lol ! :)
And last but definitely not the least, many a proposal ! [ cant give away the details, but i guarantee its one of the many romantic scenes you get to witness in your life ! ( Naa i wasnt the lucky girl ok :p ) ]
Speaking of corridors i guess not even a single student would tend to forget a particular detail about the corridors. Even to this moment when i am entering this i have the scene running in my mind crystal clear ! And it would be too humble if i say i am smiling ! And that is coz i am actually wearing on my face the widest grin of my life ! And nothing can make me grin even after some seven long years but recollecting the sudden bolt of surprise i used to get when a heavenly figure clad in white floats past the window of the class room while i was struggling my best to keep my mind focussed on the lecture. And with no doubt, it can be rated as one of the ' impossible to forget ' moments of school life our dear Fr. Thengumpally granted us ! I find it futile, the attempt to try paint a picture of him here to you all. Because i bet you all must be knowing him better than me. Who doesnt know the cynosure right ! His name is something which is almost synonymous with Christ nagar. Quite an unforgettable character with his idiosyncrasies and an accent which was truly one of a kind ! ( as sujith puts it :) ). And you cant deny the fact that he was and still continue to be the pillar which lifts Christ nagar to a level on par with the other age old institutions of excellence in Trivandrum. Infact where do you find a principal who shares this great a rapport with the students that you find him sharing a game of basket ball with you !
[ It comes to my mind how vivek, my classmate tried to enact the movie 'The mexican' by acting out our Father as he had landed from a trip to Mexico or something at that time ! Lols ! :)) ]
As i had mentioned before, we used to get a lot of free hours at the start and one of the ' in-thing' then was the visit to the library. Two things in particular still stand out in my memories.. The times i spent reading Tin tin with my friend, commenting about everything unrelated to the comics ! Well i should say these chat sessions seriously hold some credit for teaching me to express my mind ! [ Finding good in anything that comes my way seem to be the ' survival Mantra' for me now a days ! Lol ! :) ]
And the second thing is the Magazine release, during my 12th. We used to spend hours in the library even after school hours bringing the creativity in us to the fore ;). And the result - two splendid magazines handwritten by us students ! Was one adjudged better than the other ? I dont quite remember that. But what still makes me go ' ha ha ' over is the scene when Febna unveiled their magazine which they had proudly named ' ! ' during the assembly ;) :). It did set off quite a discussion among the students !
Well that was Febna - the ingenious, bold, ebullient girl who was my best friend :))
The Students day- when students take up the role of teachers with cheerful readiness inspired by the teachers whom they always look upto. I was selected as well to exchange roles for the day. Oh and i was excited beyond words when i was assigned as the class teacher / Maths teacher of my brother's class ! But i was left in tatters when the next piece of news was broken to me- yea i was to teach the fellow students of my very own class as well !! And needless to say i had a pretty interesting time teaching my bro's class and quite the opposite when i got to my very own one. I knew they were waiting for me there. And i got in my class with a fear of impending disaster stuffed in my mind more than mathematics ! My worries were proved right ! I dont need to elaborate more i guess ! My friends..they sure knew how to get me surrender before them in no time !! ( and i had an entertaining time counting the chalks hailed at me :p )
Btw my bro's class happened to grab the Best class award and that sure saved my name that day ! ;)
There are a lot many incidents i would like to share here.. The foot ball ground which is a good 5mts walk from our compound, the beautiful and adventerous journey to the bus stop, the sea view, the exciting basket ball matches, the frenzy when the bell rings after the interval, the quite diligent preparations for the Arts fest and Annual day and the not so quite diligent preparations for the exams, the CCA ( the abbreviation for something which i dont think i should be mentioning here lolz :p )which we girls enthusiastically named for the occasional beautiful figures emerging from C-DIT !! and the food fest organised by our school...the list stretches endless..

Guess its time for me to wind this up. And those of you who still miss Christ nagar , remember, You are not alone !!. As i do, many are missing the golden days this Alma mater blessed us with- the smiles, the woes, the fights, the crushes, the fun, the lessons which it taught us, the friendship. Hope they never die out from your minds. Even though i used to bungle my academic side, the days here certainly helped me grow as a person. It kinda transformed me from a meek one to someone better by instilling in me the spirit to go get whatever i want of my life.And wherever i end up in life, i am sure i will be carrying a piece of Christ nagar with me...
and trust me it happens to be quite a big chunk :)).
And all those who agree with me , dont hesitate to join me when i say,
( end of d post )
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